Creative Director
Obeyda Fayad
We are infected by our own misunderstanding of how our own minds work
Obeyda, going by the name OB, is a unique character and a great thinker with lots of love for art in general, and painting in particular. He is bold in work as he is bold in his paintings and that is what makes everything he touches, unique and unforgettable.
As head of Creative at Brick Lane, OB oversees the whole creative process from concept to campaign. His fine touches and attention to detail allows us to bring to life creative ideas that not only grab the audience’s attention but also helps change their perception.
Over 15 years of experience in providing creative direction for leading global, regional and local brand combined with his passion for art and culture makes him a great leader for the creative team that he is managing.
His extensive skills in team management, brand architecture, strategy planning, corporate communication and copywriting means he is able to lead his department into creating impactful campaigns that deliver results.